Friday, February 29, 2008

My New Baby

Orion 80mm ED with SkyView Pro mount

Comupterized Hand Controller (13,564 object database)

Orion 80mm ED Optical Tube Assembly (OTA)

Well gang, here is the new telescope. I sold both my ETX-125 and my 8" StarHopper Dobsonian to buy this one. Both other scopes were stellar viewing scopes, but I wanted something that I could use for long-exposure astrophotography.

Enter the Orion 80mm ED telescope sitting atop an Orion SkyView Pro Equatorial mount. The scope is just over 3 inches in diameter, but it works better with my camera for photographing Deep Space Objects such as: galaxies, nebula and star clusters.

When the weather clears this weekend, I will attempt to snap some celestial pictures.

Until the next time!



me_ai said...

hello, there. nice setup there. hope to see your astrophotos soon.
will you share the price of GOTO system you use.
i am also using the same SVP 80mm. looking to get GOTO in the future.

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